If you wish to sale your car. Fill out the form below.
Trade Ends are accepted.
1. Must provide a minimum of 12 pictures (example) The more the better. Forward pictures to email: To send pictures by phone. Contact DAG @ (844)509-4752 for number.
2. Trade In must be inspected by a License Vehicle Inspection Company. Contact (844) 509-4752 for assistance if you don’t have one.
3. Company must forward Inspection Report to
4. Transparency is the best policy. You will know what your vehicle is worth and not having to depend on what a dealer offers you which is not the true value of your vehicle.
5. Don’t allow yourself to wave and inspection which can cause you to lose hundreds or thousand of dollars on your trade.
Use this guide as a reference when you are preparing picture to forward to DAG pertaining to your Trade End.
Contact DAG for more information: (504) 518-4293